How To Get Rid Of Swollen Lips From Cold Sore and Allergic Reaction

If your lips are swollen due to sores or the continuous symptoms of allergies, here's how to get rid of swollen lips from cold sore and allergic reaction using fast home remedies and some other technical but easy tips and tricks. You should understand the differencies from allergies and normal occuring cold sores in order to have a successful treatment.

Most often, swellings from cold sores stair up as a result of much pressurizing, straining and stressing of the lips additionally to the viral infection that makes it delicate. Even when the lesion heal the lips remains swollen due to factors involving the kind of treatment you considered on the particular cold sore, likewise allergic reactions.

Ways to get rid of swollen lips from cold sore

Rest. Although resting is very obvious, it's also very essential in relieving swollen lips. Learn more about relaxation and stress relief techniques. Avoid everything that might cause strain especially to the lips. Sleep for complete 8 hours in the night and 20 minutes nap during the day.

Ice pack.
Ice pack can be used to get rid of swollen lips from cold sore. Place it on the lips in a massaging motion for as long as possible. The coolness is an automatic healing agent that gets the lips skin very durable while shrinking the size. Warm compress can be used as an alternative to lessen sores.

Hydration brings about proper flow of blood to the body and thus it's a way to get rid of swollen lips fast. Drink more water like no tomorrow. Check how to drink more water if you don't like water for fast implementation. Swollen lips will subside due to the flushing and increase in blood flow.

Put some Turmeric powder inside small container, most especially bottle seal. Add small amount of water to make a paste. Dab directly on your lips while massaging. You can add fuller's earth to the mixture to to get rid of swollen lips fast. If it involves open sores, rub yogurt an hour after washing out the paste.

Rose water and milk.
Mix 50% of rose water and 50 of vapourized milk. Get some flour and make a dough using the milk rose water mixture. Make it sticky then apply to the lips after massaging with warm compress. Let it stay for an to get your swollen lip subside to the minimum. This is a bit complex way to get rid of swollen lips from cold sore but once you work it, it does pays.

• Herpetrol Gel is another leader in auto subsidy of swollen lips from cold sore. Anbesol and Carmex for patch on the lips. While Herpetrol Tablets contains antioxidant vitamins supporting your immune system to heal cold sores and all it's symptoms.

Ways to get rid of swollen lips from allergic reaction

If you're suffering from chronic allergy you need a professional advice but in soothing and getting rid of swollen lips, the following remedies should work. Avoid other medication other than Benadryl which helps in both section of sore arousing from allergic reaction.

• Dip a piece of cotton wool inside an alcohol and rub the lips for 10 minutes or so. Alcohol disinfects the lips and allow the body to heal sores, get rid of swollen lips and all other symptoms associated with allergies.

• Use Aloe vera lotion as a cream on your lips for the whole day in order to get rid of swollen lips from allergic reaction in one day. As it subsides, reduce the rate of application. You can also use fresh Aloe vera gel gotten from squeezing the leaves.

• Take vitamin B complex but follow with alot of liquids, either by juice or pure water. Avoid licking the lips and use natural essential oils (tea tree, olive etc) to keep it moistured.

• Add 2 spoons of epsom salt inside a glass of warm water. Dip a soft cotton wool and apply to the lips. Rub gently while keeping the wool as wet as possible for 15 minutes. For how to get rid of swollen lips from allergic reaction, hold a freezed spoon against the lips until it loses it's coolness. Repeat twice at a time but twice daily until the swollen lips subside.

The bottom line to get rid of swollen lips from cold sore or allergic reaction is to stop using new items and products. Most especially allergies, you should observe your beddings, cushions and clothings to eliminate anything likely to cause allergic reaction. Balanced diet will take care of the rest.