Pineapple ginger lime and mint cooler.
Fruit juices are very healthy options to packed or store bought. Why buy packet juices when you have the chance of making your natural unadulterated. Good for digestion, aids easy bowel movement, hood detox combo. The list is endless.
Fresh pineapple 2 cups
Dried mint leaves 1/2 tbsp. You can use fresh.
1/4 cup lime juice
Fresh ginger, peeled and grated 2 tbsp
2 cups of water
1/4 cup sugar (optional)
Boil ginger, mint and sugar until sugar dissolves.
Strain the mixture and allow mixture to cool.
Put your pineapple in your blender, add lime juice and the strained ginger syrup.
Blend well until smooth.
Strain twice and serve chill.
Ginger, mint and lime have medicinal value and this would be a good source of vitamin C that can boost your immune system. Pineapple also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.