How To Stop Bleeding Gums After Cleaning & Tooth Extraction At Home

Bleeding gums causes bad breath and in some severe cases, pains. If that's the problem, our discussion would centered on how to stop bleeding gums after cleaning or after tooth extraction at home. Understand that the gum is the best part of the mouth and should be attended with care to avoid other symptoms.

Apart from using hard or tough toothbrushes, bleeding gums can be caused from canker sores, Gingivitis and bacterial infection due to the accumulation of plaque between the gums and the tooth. This plaque or tartar attracts bacteria which causes the common gum diseases mentioned above. So if you're experiencing bleeding gums after cleaning you might be susceptible to other complications if care is not taken.

For how to stop bleeding gums after cleaning

After cleaning, stick your tongue right on the joint between the gums and the tooth. If you figure out some greasy feeling, check with mirror. You might see some dark, yellowish or whitish tartar. They might be the cause of the constant bleeding gums after cleaning, so you need a thorough cleaning by a dentist. If not, here are some tricks.

• Change your tooth brush every 2 weeks. And your brush type should be neither be hard nor soft. You just need a toothbrush that you'd feel some freshness after cleaning. Experiment with many brands to find the best for the health of your gums.

• Clean your tooth 3 times daily. It's in fact the best way to keep your tooth healthy, strong and less susceptible to infections. Apart from this, use toothpaste labelled active gel with sodium fluoride, cellulose gum and Eugenol in the ingredients.

• Avoid bruising your mouth also in order to stop bleeding gums after cleaning. Your mode of cleaning affects the health of the gums more than the regularity of the incidence. Going up and down is the main cause of gum irritation. So side to side cleaning motion is the most updated tooth cleaning recommendations.

• While flossing the tooth is very important to remove plaque, keeping you immuned to bacterial infection, calcium, vitamin C and K deficiency can cause bleeding gums after cleaning. If it's severe, supplements can be the best option but employ a proper intake of balanced diet and water.

Home remedies to stop bleeding gums after cleaning

• My first suggestion on this part is grapefruit seed extract. Rub it across the gum for and let it stand for 10 minutes before garling with warm water. In other words, put some drops of grapefruit seed extract inside a cup of water and gargle every morning, afternoon and night after your last tooth cleaning.

Milk of Magnesia a natural gum repair in that they attack bacteria to keep the gums free. So if you're looking for how to stop bleeding gums after cleaning, gargle a mixture of warm water and Milk of Magnesia immediately after cleaning.

• Massaging the gums was said to help but use fluoride toothpaste to massage with your fingers carefully. You also need to gargle with warm water after massaging. Keep away from smoking to help your health.

How to stop bleeding gums after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction can cause much bleeding especially if the person is suffering from tooth decay or other gum problems. On how to stop bleeding gums after tooth extraction, the following steps should be taken properly.

• Mix salt with warm water and gargle carefully. Fill a cup of water until you've finished everything. Go and have some rest in order to be free from the bleeding gum things.

If the bleeding continuous even after the salt water gargle and resting use ice water compress around your lower jaw and upper mouth area. It will keep the blood from running out of control. Learning how to stop bleeding gums after tooth extraction, just avoid brushing the part of the extraction. Instead continue the salt gargle to heal the wound spot.