How To Get Rid Of Termites On Your Own

Starting from flying termites to crawling eaters, this is a tutorial of how to get rid of flying termites on your own using different methods of eradications. Location is very important and different houses and lands always have different infestations.

Termites are generally very irritating and damaging much more than any type of house pest you can ever imagine. Starting from eating up your clothes, books, upto furnitures and plants. The most fascinating, annoying and amusing fact is that, they don't have rest to stop eating or building. Today we are going to take a real action to eradicate termites that invaded our territory for a long time. Just read on to know how to get rid of flying termites on your own in your secret.

1. Propylene glycol and boric acid.
The killer is boric acid but in terms of getting rid of times on woods, propylene glycol, mixed with the acid makes the area immuned of termites infestation for a long time. So mix 3:1 of boric acid propylene glycol, stair until it mixes well as one liquid. Suck the area with the mixture and you are done.

2. Using termite baits.
Termite baits can be the normal local plastic stacks that contain poisonous termite food source that kill them or mixing up borax with termite foods on a container and keeping it where they'll find it. Termite baits are professional in such a away that only the termites get contaminated.

3. Sodium borate and water.
This does not kill termites directly off the earth but takes them to the grave. Sodium borate destroys the digestive system of termites usually causing an indigestion of the hardwood they ingest. The easiest way to get them take in sodium borate is by mixing it with water and coating all the wood surface with the mixture. Sodium borate method of getting rid of ants on your own has proven to be the fastest and most reliable to stop and kill.

4. Orange Based Cleaners.
Termites are good in infesting on walls around the corners, mostly in apartments. If this is the case or similar, mop or sprinkle the orange based cleaners all around the area to keep the at the bay. It serves as an effective repellent of termites just like propylene glycol and boric acid.

5. Termite Killing nematodes.
There are nematodes, called beneficial nematodes that works instantly in killing termites. Such can be best used where termites infest the lower part of the building or the ground in particular. Spread to all parts of the infestation ground for once in two days. If there are still remains of small buildings, re-apply.

6. Cellulose in cardboard.
Termites love cellulose as much as wood. So placing a cardboard near their buildings will draw their attention to the cellulose inside. After a while, take the material outside to burn it or dispose it inside water. Repeat it as many times, to get rid of termites by your own gradually.

7. Employing Termites Eaters.
There are many termite eaters that normally eat up termites in less than 30 minutes leaving only the buildings. Lizard is a best alternative, which hunger for termites, cockroaches, ants, and all sorts of house pests that crawl and has protozoa.

Preventing termites totally.
On how to get rid of flying termites on your own, there are many alternatives that are hard and easy to implement. The basis of getting rid of them and never having infest in your house is by using caulking gun to fill up every cracks. Vinegar sucked foams on pipe holes and other crannys that bring in house bugs.

From time to time, make use of propylene glycol and boric acid on woods to prevent termites from invading your furnitures for the second time. This chemicals last for 10 months on woods, so can be re-applied every year to keep up considerably immuned of termite infestation.

Adopt the habit of constant general sanitation destroying termite houses and hills as much a possible. Once they build you destroy, there's no way they can stay for long in your house without finding another infestation area.

In the case of chronic termite infestation, use dehumidifier atleast once every month in the entire rooms. Termites can live without some percentage of room humidity, this is why places of low humidity have less termite problem.

Termites in the garden.
Termites also destroys plants and vegetables in the garden due to humidity. Use termiticides all over the ground and keep track on paper wastes out of the garden to avoid drawing the attention of termites in garden.