How to Make Asaro Yam Porridge

A spoon full Vegetable oil
A spoon full Palm oil
Black pepper
Kini dry fish ( mackerel would work well too, or any eja kika)
2 Bell Pepper
4 Roma Tomato
4 rodo
1 purple onion

Crush you peppers onions and tomatoes and rodo, you want it chunky and not smooth
Heat your palm oil and vegetable oil together in a pot for about 5 minutes
Peel and slice your yam in medium pieces
Add your crushed pepper mixture to the heated oil and all to fry, add all your spices, crayfish and salt. Allow to cook for 20 minutes on medium heat
Add your peeled yam and 2 cups of water, cover and bring to a boil for 15 minuets on medium heat
Add your Kini fish and cook for another 10 minutes