Chalazion Home Treatment - How To Get Rid Of Chalazion

Do you get more absorbed or irritated seeing that unusual big lump? Here are chalazion home treatment which would teach you how to get rid of chalazion in a simple natural way.

The red, warm and painful lump on your eye lead is called chalazion. It is caused by an obstruction of meibomian gland which is commonly called tear gland. It's opening is right at the end of the eyelid. So when blocked by either sticky dirt particles or make up liquids, they form this lump called chalazion. So basically, it is caused by the blockage of pores which gets us to share the home remedies to get rid chalazion without moving to the hospital.

Talking about the symptoms, since it is not caused through bacteria directly, the main symptoms of chalazion is small itching and unusual pains just at the opening of the eyelids.

1. Rubbing to Open pores.
Sometimes, or many times we get rid chalazion since at its baby age without knowing. We do this by rubbing our eyes vigorously when we feel the itch, which always comes first as a symptom. In some other words, we try to keep stretching the eye lids by looking at the mirror to figure out what causes pains at an instant. Luckly by trying to touch or scratch, we get rid of the substance or particle that block the pore. So in less than 3 hours, we feel better without knowing what we did. This is why children from 7 to 13 years don't usually have chalazion cases, in the sense that they are the ones more likely to scratch and scrub their eyes with high attention.

The negative side effect of this action is according to how the chalazion built up or its stage of development. If the lump started showing up, definitely there would be more likelihood that the bloody liquid or fluid that gathered inside would be attacked by bacteria, most possibly through the scratching and stretchings.

So it is also important to use antiseptics mixed with water to clean up the area immediately, in that you don't have to go to the doctor looking for chalazion treatment after the infection.

2. Warm water.
More chronic chalazion can be treated by using hot compress on the lump for certain time. This home remedy get rid chalazion works so fast in sucking or evaporating out the bloody fluid inside the eyelid that made up the chalazion.

Just get some clean towel with hot water by your side. Soak the towel with the hot water. Squeezing out the drips, place it directly on the chalazion making a downward and upward movement while pressing slightly hard.

In order to be more healthier and medically, you should add antiseptic to the water to clean up or arrest every bacteria that may come alone to set up another bomb down the eye or the treated blister.

3. Cleaning and Scrubbing.
Since we are trying to be more simple and natural by being more help on how to get rid of chalazion, we consider taking part in a monumental cleanliness curses every type of chalazion. Regardless of how stuffed your eyelid seems to be, taking the gradual step can be more healthier than using apolo drugs on the eye.

So while you take a shower try to concentrate on the part of the eye that has chalazion and scrub carefully with the prong. Make much lather and wash all over for 2 times. Rinse with warm water and finally with cool water to make the chalazion home treatment work and done.

The part of the eyelid with chalazion is likely to draw more things that would block many pores arounds it, so try to stay indoors and in a cool place to keep yourself less susceptible to other effects.

4. Creating Tears.
Create tears after every 8 hours of the day. You may slap that face you see on the mirror, or even knock the head above your neck on the wall to make the chalazion eye flow tears like no tomorrow.

The best natural way to get rid chalazion seems to be by the tear creation efforts. It involves two things. One, you make tears by pressurizing the eyelids to produce by force, thus you make those that are slightly blocked by your excessive make ups or dust to open up wide, therefore reducing the possibility of building another chalazion.

Two, tears may come out of the blocked pores together with the relief which, if you are the lucky one, you might end up getting rid of chalazion overnight. Everything works because an effort is applied, and the kind of effort applied determines the outcome. You got it?

Warm guava leaves also works on chalazion home treatment even though it involves some warmings before placing as a compress. Knowing how to get rid of chalazion, is fine but you should stick to the more natural ways before introducing your natural being to the artificial things. Unless if you are trying to be like me -- trying to be natural artificially.