1. Treating the fever at first.
Cold sore generates from fever and could be easily healed if the entire fever was treated. So on basis of functionality and researches, acetaminophen can be the best medication to treat both the sores and fever. Remember only to use this when the fever blisters starts along with the real fever. If not, use the following methods of how to treat a cold sore fast and be free from irritations and health insecurities.
2. Rinsing the mouth with warm salted water.
Salt is one of the effective home remedies to treat a cold sore at any emergency. Mix salt with boiled water and allow it to cool a bit by becoming warmer. Take the water inside your mouth and hold it until it becomes less effective or cooler. Pour it out and repeat the same thing for a litre of salted water. Rinse the mouth with sure warm water first, then with a cold water in order to cover all the spores that favour the eruption of infectious liquid, therefore making the healing more faster. Do not put anything in your mouth after the treatment for at least 3 hours.
3. Do not use hard brush.
While we are trying to treat a cold sore by motivating the immune system to hasten the healing, brushing your mouth with hard brush might cause the sore to swell up and become more wide. So consider the use of plenty toothpaste and soft brush to clean your mouth, which should be done 3 times daily.
4. Anti Viral Medication that speed up healing.
Acyclovir and Famciclovir are the most proven anti viral medicines that speed up wet healing especially for cold sores in the mouth. This medications should be taken as soon as you feel the symptoms of outbreak in your mouth. Does symptoms include painful swellings making your saliva irritable and all sorts of changes on your lips that is obvious to cause fever blisters. Some of this medicines especially the Famciclovir anti virus need to be taken only once a day in order to allow your immune system to play its role in reducing the redness of the sore, so it could heal easily. You can mixed up the salt treatment and anti viral medication for fast result but always consider keeping your mouth free from bacteria by keeping it clean everytime. Avoid touching the sore using your hands directly, which can contribute in more outbreak all around the lips.
5. Use of pain killers to reduce the pain.
Aspirin is the most easy to find pain killers that would work on to treat fever blisters. The use of pain killers carry to advantages. One, to hasten the healing by making the sore smaller, and two, by reducing the pains making you less anxious of the sore which helps to forget and let it heal with time. Apart from aspirin, there are many capsule pain killers that work fine to treat a cold sore.
6. Use Ice On The Sore.
Use packed ice on cold sore for 10 minutes in the morning and another 10 mins in the evening. It as a good impact in reducing the pains and size of blisters to make a great treatment. It is very enjoyable applying ice on a cold sore but you can make it worse if it lasts for more than 20 mins. In order to treat a cold sore using ice, you have to also use warm water to kill obvious bacteria.
7. Avoid Sun Exposure by Wearing Sunscreen on the lips.
Sunscreen proves to work to easily cover the lips from sun exposure that worses fever blisters.
8. Relax and Reduce Stress to fasten the healing.
To treat fever blisters, always allow a big self relaxation to get over stress. Your body supposed to be relax in order to have your immune system work effectively. So try to relax yourself and avoid any stressful environment to have a treatment that works.
9. Exercise more when you recognize the symptoms or outbreak of cold sore.
When you exercise your body, you are making it less favourable for spread of infections. So likewise fever blisters, concentrate on burning fast to treat cold sore naturally.
All the tips above on how to treat cold sore or fever blisters works according to the functionality of your immune system. If you have a weak immune there would be more to do in order to treat sores especially fever blisters. If all those treatment methods didn't make an impact in progress for 5 days, consider consulting your doctor to test and understand the type of fever blister you carry. It might be herpes which is very dangerous when infected the eye. So do not waste time on each treatment and work yourself safely on all this home remedies.