Psoriasis is skin disorder caused by internal misconception between the cells and immune system causing the excessive production of cells. Sometimes psoriasis often starts from scaly feelings of the skin and unusual dryness which may fade away without getting the person irritated. But in some chronic cases where the skin is pressured by bruises or straines, it makes some signs like eczema but cause more redness and irritations. So today we are going into the natural ways to get rid of psoriasis fast at any part of the body. In short we are going to relate natural home remedies and artificial ones to get the best out of the lists.
Shea butter and apple cider vinegar.
Psoriasis mostly happens on the feet, so each and every night before you go to bed put shea butter all around the spot for 2 minutes and then put on apple cider vinegar all over. You can go to bed once the skin has somewhat dried. Early in the morning, wash the place with warm water and rub any type of lotion. Repeat this home remedy to get rid of psoriasis until it has faded away.
2. Cocoa butter and petroleum jelly.
Mix cocoa butter with your bathing water and spend atleast 10 minutes rinsing the plaque psoriasis spot. Apply petroleum jelly after drying up and apply again after 30 minutes. Shea butter opens the skin pores and petroleum jelly is natural cure for plaque psoriasis. Make it a habit every bath and stop only if the skin is cleared.
3. Lukewarm water and salt.
After every bath, get some warm water and pour excessive amount of any kind of salt. Rinse the spot with the salt water for 10 minutes. You may also try bathing with salt water which may help in the direction of getting rid of the spot.
4. Vitamin D and cod liver oil.
There are many sources of vitamins nowadays. Either the natural sun heat vitamin D or iu supplement, whatever, get excessive vitamin D within your body. Rub cod lives oil with massaging motion for as long as you can and the psoriasis will start fading away gradually. There's no limit on this home remedy but never do something that would irritate the skin and cause infections.
5. Orange peels.
Orange peels can get rid of minore psoriasis quickly more than other medicines. Drink the orange to add to your immune system function of healing and squeeze the yellowish-greenish side on the spot until it started to ooze out some toxicated liquide. Rub it down the psoriasis using some external pressure like massage. Wet the skin with it and repeat it twice daily.
6.Listerine mouth wash.
Use listerin mouth wash to clean the area of the infection. If you are too desperate dab it on the psoriasis and leave it for an hours before washing it with another form. Bath with it as well without any break in order to observe a real effect in just a week. Remember to always continue once there's some effect, for once you started and stopped it can muliply and build up to make the skin more irritating and resisting to most medics.
7. Fish oil and vegetable supplements.
Get any type of vegetable supplement and mix it with dish oil. Use old toothbrush to apply the mixture using the head to scratch the skin a bit. This serves as the cure of chronic psoriasis that has limits even for surgery and can work everywhere as fast as possible.
You should not ignore taking as much vitamins forasmuch as you want to get rid of psoriasis fast. Wash the skin after the application and rinse thoroughly with pure water. Then rub vaseline on the spot. Only do the processes once a day but can always apply vaseline as much as you can. Some people turned vaseline as a normal daily cream in order to stay immuned and your skin resistable to further occurrence of psoriasis.
8. Pepper, Lotion, and a glass of water.
This sounds weird but a practically confirmed home remedy to get rid of psoriasis. Get any type of pepper ONLY - without any mixture. Mix one teaspoon of pepper inside a container, with any type of lotion you have. Mix it up to make a paste and apply the result right on the psoriasis. Yes, it hurts more than you can imagine but your sadness hasn't come yet, before the joy.
Get a cup of warm water and pour half spoonful of same pepper powder, mix it and.... drink it. Apply the pepper-lotion mixture twice a day and the water mixture once for a week. Definitely, if other remedies hasn't work for you, I can give a guarantee of three weeks and you will come back with a testimony.
Get used to drinking pepper water mixture to make your skin more finer even as it works on home remedies to get rid of psoriasis.