Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Powder Post Beetles (Lyctids)

Powder post beetles, formally known as Lyctids are very dangerous wood eaters and pickers that can also cause many damages in the house. With this home remedies to get rid of powder post beetles we are going to compile different method of their control.

Power post beetles can be identified more easily by there activities on wood. Almost all specie of this pest is known to encroach upon woods only. But in case of misconceptions through similar bugs that invade woods, powderpost beetles adults are about 7 mm, usually elongated, and colour of brown and faded red. They are mostly darker when viewed in colony.

1. Canvas and Freezed.
Knowing that larvae of powder post beetles are the wood eaters, while the adult the bore hosts, freezing or causing coolness in the particular point of infestation is our first simplest home remedy fro now. Cover the wood with canvas and take it to the freezer. Leave it to freeze for an hour and you have killed both the "eggs" and the alive, larvae and adult.

2. Painting the wood with borax.
Borax serves as a multi purpose acid home remedy that kills every wood encroachers especially the Lyctids. So, mix some drops of this acid with water and paint all over the wood leaving no space for escape. Wet the wood thoroughly in the morning, and evening for a whole week, and I declare you free from powder post beetles.

For holes on woods and other similar materials, use syringe to inject the chemical. This is a means of meeting the eggs and larvae of the pest directly and killing all populations. In some places, borax can be replaced with borate and it works both as a repellent and killer.

3. Reduce Humidity.
This pest find themselves invading woods because the atmosphere also is favourable to help them breed. Humidity is a big friend to powder post beetles and reducing the moisture content in the air can get rid of the quickly. Get a simple dehumidifier and work it out to lower the humidity to the lowest point. Then start the manual humidity eradication. Clean up every moist on the furniture.

Use polyethylene moisture barrier on woods to get rid of them and keep the wood immuned. If you can't find the basic polyethylene, try the normal leather to cover up the wood spaces that powder post beetles infested.

4. Coating With Peppermint Oil.
If you have enough of this oil, you can use it as a home remedy to get rid of powder post beetles more faster. Just pour it where you can see holes and the powders. Repeat it several times until you beat them out of your house.

Other Alternatives.
Since there are less alternatives of using home remedies to get rid of powder post beetles directly, to make it more satisfying, here are more ways to control the pests if home remedies didn't work for you. It is always good to try the home remedies first, but if knowledge is power, we shall head on to other ways also.

5. Fumigation.
Fumigation is all about putting the powderpost beetle infested wood or furniture under high has pressure for a certain period of time, according to the infestation level. Mostly, fumigation is done by pest control companies that usually study the mode of infestation closely before deciding the cat. If you are familiar with fumigation earlier, you should also apply it on woods to get rid of power post beetles. But if not, inviting an exterminator company is worth the deal, although it's a bit expensive.

6. Insecticides usage.
If you are the type that keeps insecticides for emergency purposes, you can always try those products on everything under insect. Apart from the one mentioned above, either powdered or liquid, make use of it inside the wood. Atleast, it can become a killer, a repellent, or both. All you need to do is try.

Sometimes powder post beetles may tend to resist simple ways of killing. If that is the case with you, changing the entire wood should be a good option. Even as the prefer infesting on woods, you can just change the one infested to save the rest.

Even as the natural home remedies to get rid of powder post beetles are limited to some extent of resistance, time is also a factor in the world of achievement. It might be slower or faster, forasmuch as you see a progress, stick with it until you see the daybreak.