Examples of Flooding In Nigeria

1. Flooding occurs annually in cities such as Lagos and Warri due to heavy rains, low relief, high water table and swampy landscape.
2. Flooding occurs in hilly cities such as Ibadan, Enugu, and Awka due to heavy rains run-off, steep slopes and poor drainage systems.
3. The Ogunpa flood disasters of April 1978, and August 1988 happened because drainage ditches and rivers were blocked by solid waste. This preventedf a smooth flow of water after rains.
4. Flash floods occur in the fadama lands of Savana regions as a result of occasional heavy downpours of rain.
5. At least three dam bursts have occured in Nigeria, resulting in disastrous floods.
- Ojirami Dam in Edo State (in 1981)
- Bagauda Lake Dam in Kano State (1988).
- Goronyo Dam in Sokoto State.
6. Lastly, flood that recently occured in Lagos - Sept. 2011. It is also one of the example of distasters of floods that happened in Nigeria.