1. Salty Warm Water Solution.
Boil Water and Pour a pure Iodized salt into a cup, pour the boiled water inside the cup and leave the salt to dissolve. When the water become a bit warmer, rinse your mouth with the salt water pouring it out until you emptied the cup. Do this atleast two times everyday until all your cold sores were gone. Make sure you brush your tooth before carrying out this every morning, and after every meal. Do not put anything in your mouth before you go to bed after you brush up in order to get rid of a cold sore fast without medicine at home.
2. Lemon and Orange Fruit.
Orange is one of the best home remedies to get rid of a cold sore fast without medicine. Sweet orange is more effective; take at least two in the morning after brush up, concentrate in placing the orange right on the sore for a long time before swallowing it. Repeat the same thing three times a day. Orange has a high content of Vitamine C, thus it helps to heal and clot more faster.
3. Toothpaste on Lips.
Put toothpaste on the cold sore and leave it as long as you can, but re-apply it over and over giving an interval of 2 hours for the whole day. Alternatively, you can use coffe there in place of toothpaste for a day or two and the cold soar will disappear easily without any medication.
4. Tea Tree Oil.
Dab tea tree oil right in the area of the cold sore using cotton wool. Get a clean cotton wool and wet it with the oil and keep rubbing the tickling area for about 20 minutes. You could deep in cotton bud into the oil and do the same thing over and over.
5. Make use of Alum Stone.
Put a little piece of alum stone on the soar area for about 3 minutes. Although it hurts, you can do this only once today and another the next day. It takes only two days to heal cold sore with alum stone. If you don't have one or don't know where to get it, go to the spices section at a grocery store to get it. It looks like a stone, whitish, and a bit transparent. You can break it into many parts and size for the intended purpose.
6. Ice Cube and Hot Tea Bag.
Get an ice cube of a considerable size, place it on the cold sore for 5 minutes minimum. Get a hot tea bag and apply it on the soar, then apply a sure petroleum jelly - Vaseline to the area in in order to make it moist. You could never get any alternative on how to get rid of a cold sore fast without medicine if this doesn't work. Just consider doing it properly and keep your mouth clean -- free from germs and bacteria.
7. Cream and Diet to get rid of cold sore.
Wash the cold sore with water and enough anti bacterial soap, apply cream and leave it for an hour. But before that, drink much water, fruits and vegetables to keep your immune system at high level of action. You can go and perform some healthy exercise and cold sore will disappear in a little less time and it won't get a chance to spread. Before you go to bed, clean it up and apply excessive vaseline and you will see wonders the following morning.
Cold sore can be healed without medicine whenever personal mouth hygiene is considered so well. Develope the habit of keeping your lips less dried and clean. Avoid make ups in order to make your body less susceptible to any infection now that you learned how to get rid of a cold sore fast without medicine, keep it and work it.