1. Get Rid of Fear.
Social phobia is a deadly poison that consumes both your esteem, confidence and even bring out the worsest feelings of insecurities within you. Check out yourself, what is the cause of this fear? Is there anyone that Treatens to harm me or embarras me in the public? If not, your fear is from pass experiences, witnesses or the beliefs that distinguishes you from others! Stay above this fear. When you find out that you're different, always be glad to be, because only different people make difference in this life. So you are a figure of honour, do not fear in order to be more assertive and confident.
2. Learn to Socialize More.
You cannot be assertive and confidence if you always find it so hard to socialize with people around. No one is born a social figure, neither does anyone born as very confident among people. No matter how obvious your nervousness might be, go and socialize. The more you socialize often, the more you become more confident and assertive to your opinion and behaviours. But atleast learn to talk more, in order to experience a drastic change so that you head over to becoming assertive properly.
3. Do You Care Much?
Do you care much about people's feelings when you work on them? Or you are the type of people that go to reviewing your deeds after every situation! Remember, whenever you are the type of a person who cares much about people's feelings you might not find it easy to be assertive and confident. Stop rationalising in your mind whether you hurt him or not, only believe that yours is the best and since you have achieved it, you can't just press yourself about people's emotionality.
4. Do not fear annoyance.
In this case, it sounds that you need to be ready for a fight! No, just take your heart aback. Do not fear annoying people, and you should always bear with it when people annoy you. When you become upset you lose your balance and eventually your confidence and creativity which always supports your assertive influence will be much lower. So stay above that stressful moment in order to be more assertive and confident in life.
5. Only Apply It When You Need It.
Although usual practice makes perfect, when it comes to assertiveness, the more you express it the more it becomes the horrible part of your habits. Learn to hold on a bit, do not just rush into every situation and think that you can get out with it assertively. Not everything can be achieved through assertiveness, not everyone can be worked on without causing you to stumble, and you will always face challenges if you try to show your tender assertiveness on people that are more systematic and assertive than you.
So in this case, when you express your assertiveness everywhere, you will eventually start to lose confidence. If you are not so tactful and aware, you could be among the passives in time to come. Be assertive only when its necessary in order to keep the sanity in doing what you think is right for your emotional and physical achievement.
6. Wear Dark Glasses.
Yes, dark space glasses helps alot in order to feel and look more assertive. In some places it is improper to wear eye glasses, so keep a track to social acceptance in order to get rid of irritations from people. When you wear dark eye glasses you are always the boss and people WILL give you the chance to become confidence. Just give it a try.
Assertiveness is an adoptable trait that always seeks acceptance, respect and confidence before it will be properly implemented. In order to be more assertive and confidence, do not let people to sense the flow of this trait within you. Whenever they respect you, respect them too. Respect breeds respect, and so everyone must give it in order to have it.
Confidence comes not from always being right, but not fearing to be wrong.