1. Take four glass cup of water in the morning before you brush, eat breakfast 15 mins later. and avoid cold water. Don't drink water immediately after meal until after 30 mins. Try this for one month.
2. Reduce your intake of fatty foods, like oil, meat,chicken etc. Don't eat fried foods or better still eat little. Know and count the calories you eat per day. A normal calories per day for a normal person is 2000, but for us that want to reduce our weight we can take 1200 or 600 calories perday.
Also include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Eat fruits like cucumber, apples, almond,watermelon, etc. These fruits help in reducing cholesterols and also help in keeping fit. Eat salad especially the cabbage.
3. One golden rule: stop eating late in the night.
4. Eat lots of veggies and fresh fruits juice.
Put water in a jug, slice half cucumber, two balls of lemon, add grated ginger and saint leafs. Making this once everyday, you can eat wheat and any soup of your choice but make sure you eat it in the noon hours. You can also eat chicken and egg.
5. Allow yourself to get addicted to SOBO drink.
6. Always cook your meal with coconut oil.
7. Be a vegetarian for a week or two you'll love the changes.
8. Avoid processed foods and junks. This should be your lifestyle to avoid unnecessary weight gain.