Latent Tuberculosis Infection Treatment Guidelines

If you were diagnosed to have latent tuberculosis, there are many latent tb infection treatment guidelines to help you cope with the implementations. Often enough, you should concentrate on treating latent tuberculosis before it could promote itself to the contagious and symptomic stage.

Laten tb is a type of disease caused by "Mycobacterium tuberculosis" and last long enough without showing any symptoms of the real active tb. This happens as a result of the immunity of the infected person, nature of blood or something which is not clearly known. This is why it is important to seek latent tuberculosis treatment guidelines for greater acquaintation of the diseases.

Latent tb symptoms

Note that many people suffering from latent tb do not show up any symptom of a real tuberculosis. So it is only when a medical check up is carried out, or in a process of being diagnosed of other infections then the physician may discover laten tuberculosis symptoms from his tests. So the only way you can know if you have laten tuberculosis is through test when it becomes obvious.

Latent TB contagious

Regardless of how and when, laten tb that does not show up any symptom is not contagious in that the person suffering from laten tuberculosis can never infect others. It is only when, after some years, when not treated and comes up with the ideal tb symptoms, then you become very contagious.

Drug used to treat latent tuberculosis

Note that this drugs are ones for latent tb only. The usage of latent tuberculosis treatment on active tb might result to the worsening of disease. This is because it has already developed a resistance to the latent, so adding the drug used to treat tuberculosis will support the greater creation of resistance to the appropriate drug.

1. Isoniazid. We decide to credit Isoniazid on the first list of latent tb infection treatment guidelines because of its reputation throughout the nation from when it was launch till now. Sources said that it works 93% for treatment of laten tuberculosis in most people around the europe.

The basics of using Isoniazid to latent tuberculosis treatment is upto 9 months. Prescription is based on the personal examination of a physician or specialist and all the substance can be recommended based on same knowledge.

Note that if your doctor recommends less than 9 months, it all depends on his examination. But the maximum period given ever known is the 9.

2. Rifampin. Using Rifampin latent tuberculosis treatment works in place of Isoniazid or for areas that don't have alot of exposure to the latest. Getting more easier but technical, Rifampin can be only used for 4 months and you are free from latent tb.

Note that it is very medically advised that you should use the latter mostly as an alternative to the first. Or if by chance, the first doesn't work for your latent tuberculosis treatment.

UPDATE:One advantage Rifampin have over Isoniazid is that it has less side effects of internal irritations and disorders. So in a course of time it was concluded that Rifampin more better than Isoniazid in that the less the time consumed on treatment, the lesser the patent is exposed to the dangerous side effects.

3. Ethambutol (Myambutol)
This is the mostly recommended for an active tuberculosis but experts concluded that it works also for latent tb infection treatment. The time limits was not yet known but this can be determined based on the specialist observation.

4. Rifapentine and Isoniazid.
Recently, the Rifapentine and Isoniazid were found to work for patent with latent tb infections for the minimum of 3 months. 12 dose of the two regimen are fine to start with, and always check up the side effects.

5. Isoniazid and rifampin.
This is also a 12 weeks treatment of latent tb in which a does is given daily upto the end of the recommendations. As a better latent tb infection treatment guidelines, you have to first be in close touch with a physician to get you equipped on what to do or take during this period to avoid bad side effects.

Latent TB treatment side effects

As to what I've already mention earlier, Isoniazid is the one with high side effects. But most of the combination show up side effects and then fade away as your body gets used to it.
• Liver problems are too common, but inform your doctor of any changes.
• Vomiting in the first week of treatment.
• Change in skin colouration to yellow. Which often means jaundice.
• Loss of appetite, then fever.

All this latent tb treatment side effects last only 3 to 4 days. Anything other than this, the patent need an active attention of a doctor.