Home Remedies To Get Rid Of a Heat Rash and Spots

Looking at the way heat rash is sometimes minor and can be treated at home, we've compiled the home remedies to get rid of a heat rash and spots on the face, thighs, between your legs, neck, armpit and all other places in the body that generates rash from heat. Most heat rash are smaller and painful when moistured, so we are going to look at both sides of the treatment.

1. Hydrocortizone Creams.
This types of creams have hydrocortizone labelled as one of their important ingredient. Sometimes you are going to find that hydrocortizone creams are isolated in series in order of their effects on rashes. You can look up to your creams and check the one that is labelled or has hydrocortizone among the ingredient.

The method of application varies according to your balance and skin texture. Although hydrocortizone creams is not hard among the home remedies in the sense that it also clears spots, people with much sensitive skins always have problem with such cream. So, always take a cool shower before applying it to the spot and rashes. Stay up for 30 minutes in a more cooler airy spaces to avoid immediate sweating after application in order for it to work faster. Twice daily for 3 days can get rid of spots and heat rashes.

2. Cold milk rash clearing.
Cold milk works like charm in terms of both reducing rash itch, clearing the rash itself and making sure that no dark spot is found in the skin. Do not use skimmed type milk. Pure cold milk would work for you.

You need not to wear clothes on the rashes when you apply cold milk on rashes. And it most stay for 3 hours before thorough (but not rough) washing and rinsing. You can do it as many times as you like until all spots are gone, but guarantee, cold milk can get rid of any type of rashes in less than 3 days. Only the spot may take up to a week to get cleared.

3. Calendula essential oil rash home remedy.
This type of oil works as an automatic home remedy to get rid of spots and rashes because it has an astringent properties that hasten skin cure. Calendula essential oil can be poured in a bottle and be applied for 3 hours, but can be also used as normal cream to clear rashes rapidly and avoid further infections.

Olive essential oil, peppermint, aloe vera and other smiliar herbs contain the astringent properties which can be used as alternatives to calendula. The vital fact is that you must keep clean the rash spots always by bathing for 3 times or more.

4. Margosa oil as a rash infection cure properties.
Sometimes rashes can build up to make more worser big wounds like acne if on the face, and like scabies on other parts of the body. Margosa oil is one of the common natural home remedies that has the ability to avoid that bacterial or fungus infection, cure the infected rash, clear up the skin totally.

It can be a part of cream or just the natural one, which works more faster. All you have to do is to use it as cream and forget about all the complexities of other artifical creams. When using margosa oil, note that you can't mix it with other rash treatment artificial ointments in order to let it work its magic.

Other alternative to margosa oil is tea tree oil, which has similar or same attributes and effects on the skin. Should be put on after a cool or warm bath, the skin should be dried before rubbing and make sure it stays up to 40 minutes without any alteration, either by clothing, touching, rubbing, or scratching.

5. Chamomile tea bags to reduce inflammation.
Rashes caused by inflammation can be reduced by applying chamomile tea bags on the spot every morning, noon, and afternoon. The reason why it should be applied in such a way is that it is the only reliable rash home remedy that acts as antibacteria and antifungal at a time. So rashes that are very susceptible to those infections would do well when chamomile tea bags are applied.

Alternatives to the tea bags are chamomile essential oil and olive oil, all on rashes that involve in inflammation and other similar causes.

6. Yogurt and honey natural solutions.
This works more better on the face. Just mix the two in small proportions of 50:50 and dab it on the face several times a day. You should care wash the spot atleast every 3 hours before re-applying the mixture. Note that yogurt and honey also helps to clear up acne scars, rash spots, wound spots and the like. So we can call them natural remedies to get rid of spots also.

Avoid sweaty atmosphere. Do not use hard soaps on rashes or it may burn and cause inflammation which would worsen the situation. Although apart from home remedies to get rid of a heat rash and spots on face, chest or back, antiseptics can help, places like thighs and armpits are so sensitive and delicate to stand the corrosive chemical.