How To Get Rid Of Fleas Naturally In Your House

Fleas usually find there ways into the house if they sense the present of pets like dogs and cats. So this is why taking the necessary step to eliminate them from the house totally is the best. You can get them out using the different tips on how to get rid of fleas naturally in your house.

1. Use vacuum cleaner to clean up surface.
Vacuum cleaner helps alot to get rid of fleas on the floor. While doing this send the pets outside the home to avoid flea infestation after your cleaning routines. Use covered trash container to deposite the dirt and fleas. After you're done, wash and scrub the pet clean in order to make sure that fleas are no more in the house.

2. Clean up Pet's Beddings.
Pets usually sleep on sheets or blankets. This materials should be put away and washed with warm water. Fleas cannot stay alive in warm water, so soak it for at least 10 minutes before working on it, and leave it to dry under the sun.

3. Use an insect spray to get rid of fleas.
Insect sprays such as methoprene are the most commonest in getting rid of fleas. But be careful with eyes of the pets and other food items while spraying the chemical.

4. Give Your Pet a Shower.
Wash Your Pets Clean using flea shampoo and using a fine-toothed comb, convenient in removing fleas. Avoid letting them out to play in the open ground, for pets like dogs are more susceptible to the infestation of fleas. So wash them thoroughly and keep them indoors. If its necessary for them to be out, check the #7 step for flea immunization on how to get rid of fleas naturally in your house.

4. Rub Yeast on your pet's skin.
Fleas don't like the taste of flour, so this will give them a bad signal to disappear. Apply this before and after bathing the pets.

5. Use rosemary leaves to make herbal flea dip.
Get two pints of water and add two cups of rosemary leaves to boil. Separate the leaves from the water -- pour the water away. Put the leaves in a container and pour surpluse warm water on it. Wet your pet and leave it to air dry. Consider doing this during hot weather. With this you can get rid of fleas all over the pet's skin and will spend a long time without being infested. So this mixture can also serve as immunization against fleas for a long period of time.

6. Citrus Flea Repellent.
Get a fresh lemon and a pint juice ready. But the lemon into four quarter sizes and put it inside the pint jug. Pour hot boiled water and keep it there for the whole night to make an effective flea repellent. Put the water content into a spray bottle and spray on the dog or whatever pet you have, being careful of the eyes. In order to get rid of fleas naturally in your house, apply it all over the obvious hiding place of fleas.

7. Garlic and Garlic Powder.
Fleas are allergic to garlic and so it works very fine in getting rid of them. Sprinke garlic powder where they infested. Mix the food of your pet with garlic powder or oil. Extractively, when dogs eat garlic substance, there skin also gives same smell which accounts "no" place for fleas to survive.

Fleas are so attracted to light. Just keep a bowl of a soap water under a nightlight, fleas are attracted to warmth and light. So they'll fly over the light and fall inside the bowl killing themselves. This is how to get rid of fleas naturally in your house using so many different tactics.