Understanding the Health Status of a Milk Type

Milk has approximately 20 calories at the ounce. There different qualities and types of milk available; Raw milk straight from the cow, Pasteurized milk, Sterilized milk, Tuberculin tested milk, Dried, Evaporated, and Condensed.

Pasteurized Milk

This is milk heated to a high temperature for a short time and then cooked immediately. This kills most of the dangerous bacteria, makes the milk safer to use, and alms enables it to be lesst longer. After cooling it is usually sealed either in bottles or specially made plastic bags or cartons. The whole processes is carried out by a machine which can deal with thousands of gallons every hour. Homogenized milk has had the cream evenly distributed through it which makes it taste more creamy, but it usually costs more.

Dried Milk

This type of milk is made by drying cow's milk over a very hot steel roller or by a spray process. It then comes out dried, with all the bacteria destroyed, and is automatically packed into tins. There are two kinds: full-cream dried milk, which is the whole cow's milk that has been dried and is still, therefore, a complete food when the water has been replaced. This is the only kind of dried milk which is suitable for very young acids as a substitute for their mother's breast milk. It is made by mixing 1 level measure of the dried milk to ounce of boiling water; this makes a normal milk mixture equal to cow's milk.
Skimmed dried milk: 'skimmed' means to have the top taken off, and so this milk from which the cream has been removed and used either to make attes or cream. The milk remaining is not therefore a complete food and is not suitable by itself for young babies who are being fed only on a milk diet. It is, however, a very valuable protein food because it contains all the other food substances except fat, and is very useful in the weaning period for mixing with other food to raise the body-building food.
It is much better that is should be mixed with foods such as plantain, sweet potatoes, sweet bananas, rice, peas, beans, millet, etc., than to be mixed with water and used as a drink, as the latter may be dangerous if the water is dirty, or if germs breed in it. If it is used in cooking then it should be mixed first with cold water: 2 tablespoons to 1 pint. As it is much cheaper than than other milk it is very useful in any kitchen; it keeps foods, and to make puddings or porridge for children and to add to soups might otherwise have very little food value.

Evaporated Milk

This is milk heated until it becomes one-third of its former quantity. It is sometimes used for feeding premature babies or very sick children, but needs careful handling and should not be used without skilled advice. It is made by adding 2 parts of boiled water to every 1 parts of evaporated milk.

Milk is also a very good food and contains; protein–caseinogen and lactalbumin, fat cream, Carbohydrate, lactose, or milk sugar; Mineral salts, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, magnesium; Vitamin–A, B, C, and D; water.