Recipe for 5 people.
5 milk cups of Guinea Corn
3 Milk cups of Millet
2 milk cups of dried Sweet Potatoes.
A hand full of dried Ginger
Half Table spoonful of Kanimperi (a local Kunu spice, tiny and black in colour)
1. Wash the millet and guinea corn with water till it's clean
2. Soak it and leave for at least 7hrs (soak it in the morning at maybe 10am)
3. Pound the dry potatoes, dry ginger and kanimperi together.
4. Wash the millet again and pour out the excess water from it.
5. Then add the ginger, potatoes and kanimperi in it.
6. Take it to grinders, those that grind fresh maize, beans etc.
Make sure the engine is properly washed of beans and tomatoes because they may change the taste of the kunu.
7. After grinding, put a big pot of water on fire and allow to boil.
8. Divide the grinded paste into two parts. One part should be bigger than the other.
9. Then use the hot water to make the bigger part like pap.
Allow it to cool for an hour.
10. Then pour the other raw half in the one that was made thick like pap.
11. Stir very well. (this is done preferably in the evening at 7 or 8pm) don't cover it.
Then allow it to cool till the next morning.
12. As early as 6am, use pap sieve and sieve it. Then your kunu is ready to drink.
Add sugar to taste.